Alertswiss or the "Swiss Government Preppers" // 18-2-10

Yesterday, I mentioned the app/website by the Swiss government. It mainly consists of a template for emergency planning, and twelve short texts about main risks of large scale events/emergencies, combined with recommended preparations and procedures. Everything is based on requirements and conditions in Switzerland, but even if you're somewhere else you may use some of these ideas for your own preparations.

I have transcribed the important contents, hoping not to run into copyright issues, and also added some personal comments. Content from the app is marked as citation in the following, although my own wording.

Emergency Plan

Note the following points, update yearly and share/discuss with relatives and friends:

They recommend stocking food and water for at least one week, suggesting 9 L of water per person or enough for 3 to 4 days, corresponding to 3 L/person/day. I would add water filter or bleaching/disinfectant. They are just speaking of "torches" but I would definitely go for LED lamps/lanterns only, and also some solar-powered batteries or hand-crank generators.

These recommendations approximately correspond to a 24-hours and an additional 72-hours bug-out bag. In Switzerland, this is probably reasonable, as we're a highly connected country, and in most cases, you'll quickly strand somewhere with a minimum of additional resources. They also say you should be able to put together the bug-out stuff in half an hour, but I would go for fully prepared 72-hours bags anyway.

That's an interesting point which I don't remember having seen anywhere else. It's good advice though, IMHO, because in an emergency, elderly/handicapped people easily risk being forgotten in the first rush.

General Instructions in Case of Large-Scale Events

This is mostly a call for self-reliance.

Major Dangers/Risks

They are described in some detail, together with most important first measures, which I'm transcribing below.

Switzerland has a lot of water and precipitations; therefore draughts are not considered a main risk.

People living in the vicinity (roughly up to 20 km away) of Swiss nuclear power-plants receive iodine tablets to stock at home, which have to be intaken upon order by the government, to prevent accumulation of radioactive substances in the thyroid gland.

I think these recommendations are a very good starting point for "prepping" in Switzerland. However, I guess of my friends, family and acquaintances, at most 10% do think about these things, and perhaps 2% are really prepared...

I'll try to start some polls and discussions, to find out whether I'm right or wrong and to improve awareness.
